Monday, November 10, 2008

A Very Short Post ...

I have been very bogged down by work. Time seems to pass by so quickly. I seem to be working more slowly and less efficiently nowadays. My memory is less reliable and I find myself fearful of committing myself to an appointment because I cannot trust my memory. Keep a Diary! I hear many people say. I don't bring my diary all the time (My memory is not so good nowadays) and it seems that when I have my diary with me, no engagements are made. However, the moment I forget, people ask me to help here and there. SIGH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you really need is a PDA phone. Yes, I'm a convert from the filofax (does anyone use it these days?) to double gadget - one PDA, one HP, to the current single gadget - PDA phone. :P

Oh, it has been a lonnnnng time since you've posted anything here!