Saturday, January 24, 2004

From the time and date below, you'd know that I never made it to the walk under the snowfall. The snow changed to rain just as I was about to get my coat and move out to the open. When I realized the change, I decided that walking in the rain isn't my idea of fun. Sometimes I have to do it in Singapore. So what's the big deal. Furthermore, it was going to be wet and cold. So, that's all I had for my experience of snow in Rome.

It's just twenty past noon as I write this. The sun has been shining since it came up this morning and there were just clear skies. A good day. Just not as exciting, to a tropical dweller, as the day before. Got to just wait out the weekend. Most of the others (those from Singapore studying here) are having exams and meeting them would only cause a loss of study time. So, I am alone. Lonely? A little, but I do interact with the kind people I live with at the moment. I shouldn't be ungrateful. They are a good lot with kind hearts.

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